Lopuksi vaellustietoa asiasta kiinnostuneille. Vaeltajamajoitusten tiheys Andalusiassa on vielä kohtalaisen harvaa mutta Malagassa keskustaan pitävä Camino Mozaraben ystävien yhdistys on tehnyt ja tekee edelleen hyvää työtä varustuksen parantamiseksi. Hieno esimerkki on edellisen yöni alberga Cuevas Bajasissa. Vaeltajat saavat kaupunkiin tullessaan tietystä baarista avaimen keskustassa olevaan siistiin ja moderniin asuntoon. Kahdessa kerroksessa löytyvät täysin varustettu keittiö, ruokasali kahdelletoista, siistit suihkutilat ja yläkerrassa sängyt kuudelle hengelle. Ja maksu on täälläkin "donativo" eli vapaaehtoinen. Siitä hinnasta ei kehtaa hintatietoinen suomalainenkaan kovin tinkiä. Näin siis useimmissa paikoissa - joissakin paikoissa peti löytyy helpolla hostellista 20-30 eurolla yö.
30.8.2016 Lucena. Today was the day when we left one province behind and arrived to new one. Province of Anadalucia is left behind and province of Cordoba in now open for seeing and experiencing. So far Danish Elisabeth and I are the only two pilgrims we have seen on this route. So this nice scandinavian co-operation works excellent day after day- Today we arrived to Lucena, a very intersting town. The Moors occupation lasted in Lucena only one century - elsewhere in Spain it lasted more that six hundred years. That gave freedom for Jews to make the city of Lucena a special center of Jews and jewism in Spain. Parts of this history is still seen in Lucena. A very big and well provided museum of Jews in town and as a curiosity; usually the street signs on housewalls are written both in Spanish and Hebron.
And last some information for those interested in caminos. On Camino Mozarabe facilities are not yet on the same level than on more popular caminos in Spain. Association Camino Mozarabe Malaga is struggling all the time to improve those. An excellent example was my alberga last night in Cuevas Bajas. When you enter in town, go to a certain bar and the lady gives you the key to the apartment. Then you take some steps around the corner and open the door to a modern, clean apartment with two floors. Downstairs you find a well provided kitchen and a table for twelwe. Also you find a modern showerroom and a toilet. Climbing upstairs takes you to a big room of six beds, and a group of two sofas and a table. And all of this with a price "donativo". You decide the sum that you drop into a box before your departure. So nice, I must say.
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