Vaellusoppaiden mukaan albergojen verkosto on vielä melko harva Camino Mozarabella. Sitähän se tähän asti on ollut. Siitä ei kuitenkaan kannata hätääntyä. Yksityisillä baareilla on usein hyvätasoisia huoneita käytettävissä - pyhiinvaeltajille pyhiinvaeltajan hintaan. Esimerkiksi Cerro Murianossa pääkadun Bar X on sisustanut yhden muutamista yläkerran vuokrahuoneistaan varta vasten peregrinoille sopivaan tyyliin ja hintana tästä ilmastoidusta (jess!) huoneesta on 18 euroa yöltä. Alakerrassa syömiset on myös pyöristetty vaeltajahintoihin. Samoin on nykyisessä yöpaikassani Villahartassa. Kaupunkiin noustessa ensimmäisenä on vastassa Bar Mirasierra. Sitä pyörittävät perheyrityksenä Pizarron perhe. Baarin/ravintolan lisäksi heillä on tarjottavanaan asiallisia huoneita yöpaikkaa tarvitseville. Minä sain käytettäväkseni omistajaperheen kodin vierashuoneen yläkerrasta. Vanha pariskunta oli matkoilla eli muita ei asunnossa lisäkseni ollut. Hyvä huone liinavaatteineen, suihku, pyykinpesumahdollisuus ja pyykkinaru kuumalla terassilla 15 euron hintaan. Eipä siitä kehtaa tarkka suomalainenkaan tinkiä. Aikaisemmat vaeltajat viestivät että tarvittaessa perhe junailee vaeltajille myös autokyytejä, mikäli huomisen haasteena oleva melkein 40 kilometrin kova etappi Alcaracejosiin hirvittää.
05.09.16 Villaharta. Saturdays charm was beutiful Cordoba, on Sundaymorning it was time again to raise the backpack on shoulders and go. The etapa of Sunday was Cordoba - Cerro Murino, only 16 kilometers could an uncareful hiker believe. That etapa was hard, again because of its ups and downs with difference of more than 400 meters from sea level. There are good reasons not to underestimate these 16 kilometers. My Sundayevening was spent in Cerro Muriano, a minor Spanish town in which life and economy is influenced by a big military base / civil guard base just by this city. Sunday was rough on the track, today more than 20 kilometers from Cerro Muriano to Villaharta very easy, almost like recreation. Plain terrain under your feet, well signalled track to go. After leaving
the city center some kilometers through military base practising soldiers, buildings, checkpoints and long rows of tanks and then on forest paths. Pinjas and holm oaks are now more and more dominating wiews. Flocks of goats, lambs and pigs are every now and then observing a pilgrim walking by. About in a half-way there is a village with couple of bars. In the first bar la señora makes you an omelette and a big coffee. She has also a stamp for a sello on your credencial, if you want one. And only those last two kilometers before Villaharta offer you a challenge to climb a hill to town.
The network of albergas is not so dense here than in other camino routes. This is not a reason to skip Camino Mozarabe as an option to do the camino. Private bars have often rooms for pilgrims to sleep and what´s the best, for pilgrim prices. For instance in Cerro Muriano I was told that the local alberga had closed its doors. But Bar X in city center and by camino route has decorated one of its upstair rooms in pilgrim style and offers it for pilgrims with a price of 18 € / night (with air conditioning). Downstairs in the bar meals are also discounted for pilgrims. Same service in Villaharta, too. First thing you see after having pushed yourself up to town is Bar Mirasierra. The Pizarro family runs the bar and the restaurant. They also hire rooms for night. For instance I´ll sleep my next night in the same house (than the bar) in the guestroom of home of Pizarro family. The old couple is having their holiday somewhere else, the son Angel Carcia Pizarro is running the bar and the family home is temporarily habited by only me. A good room with towels and linen, shower, option to wash clothes and burning hot terrace for a string for drying clothes with a price of 15 euros. Reasonable price - no reason to complain, I must say. Earlier pilgrims visiting in Villaharta have told that the Pizarro family will organize also taxiservices for pilgrims if needed. Pilgrim meets tomorrouw a challenging etapa of almost 40 kilometers in the middle of nowhere. For somebody an idea of splitting this 40 km by a taxi can be a temptating idea.
I as a crazy Finn, am going to walk that 40 km tomorrow. Start will take place at 05.00 in dark
with a headlamp. Let us see, where I shall be in afternoon heat.
Kun päivämatkan päätepiste nousee horisonttiin, silloin tuntuu mukavalta. Villaharta. When the finish of your etapa of today raises above the horizon, you feel satisfied. Villaharta. |
Kiitos mukavasta matkakertomuksesta. Ehkä nähdään sillä jatkamme keväistä matkaamme Salmancasta 13.9. Terveisin Lasse P