Tämä ajatus on ristiriitainen. Totta kai on hyvä että ihmiset matkustavat ja tutustuvat uusiin maihin ja kulttuureihin. Totta kai on hyvä että hienoon Salamancan kaupunkiin ja sen historiallisiin aarteisiin tutustutaan. Eikä minulla tietysti ole oikeutta olettaa mitään muuta vaelluksenikaan aikana. Silti tunnen oloni vieraaksi. Käyn kierroksen Salamancan mahtavassa katedraalissa, tutustun kaupungin museossa meneillään olevaan Espanjan sisällisotaa 1936-39 esittelevään mielenkiintoiseen näyttelyyn (jonka materiaalit tulivat tutkijoitten vapaasti tutkittavaksi vasta 1979 Francon diktatuurin päätyttyä), syön hyvin, selvitän huomisen ulosmenoreittini kaupungista ja alan valmistautua yöpuulle. Kameran muistikortti temppuilee. Toivottavasti saan ongelman ratkaistua. Huomenna suuntaudun maalaispojalle paremmin sopiviin pienempiin ympyröihin. El Cubo de la Tierra del Vinoon on 35 kilometriä.
22.09.16 Salamanca 24 kilometers. Mornings seem to be turning chilly here. For me as a Finn that is not a problem really. Those 24 kilometers to Salamanca is exceptionally easy, I arrive in town about 1.00 pm. My expectations to this beautiful and historical town are big according to my previous visit four years ago. The city is beautiful and massive with its history still. Old, centuries ago built buildings, narrow stony streets between them and a brown and beige coloured shade takes your mind easily back to history. Old and older (?) Cathedral, old pompous university buildings, a Concha-house (decorated totally with shell symbols (concha=shell) and so on. This town really is very interesting and has a lot to see. But there is something that I cannot fit to the mood in which my mind has adjusted itself during my 28 hiking days. This town is crowded with tourists. On streets, in the Cathedral, tourist shops, street restaurants which cover kilometers of Salamanca streets, everywhere you see tourists. There goes a group of loud talking Americans following their guide. Here is a big group of German houswives (?) with a price-critical discussion in a souvenir shop. Evereywhere you go you see cell phone cameras or other cameras shooting selfies or photos of posing friends. Here stands an Italian group listening their guide who has a microphone istalled in front of her lips and a loudspeaker gives her extra volume. I am almost panicking. Four weeks I have been hiking inside a small scale, few people or solitude, little towns and villages, peaceful, easily digestible impulses and experiences day after day. Those circumstances and that athmosphere is not present in Salamanca at all.
Thinking like this is a contradictionary topic. Of course it is good that people travel and get to know other countries and other cultures. Of course it is important that people can visit Salamanca and experience its great culture and historical treasures. I have no right at all to forbid or prevent to do so - not even during my camino through the town. This wonderful town belongs to mankind, not to me only. In spite of all those realities I feel myself a bit stranger here now. I make a visit to magnificent Cathedral, visit the town museum with an interesting exhibition of Spanish Civil War 1936 - 1939 (the materials of those were classified until so far than 1979, when dictatorship of Franco ended and researchers could start their work), have a good dinner with Soberano brandy, clarify myself the route out of town and return to my bed in alberga. Tomorrow my destination is a much smaller town El Cubo de la Tierra del Vino after 35 kilometers. Today I feel that it is now so much better for a countryboy like me.
Salamanca, Plaza Mayor. |
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