Saturday 24.09.16 to Zamora 32 kilometers. This is my 30th day of pilgrimage, so I have been walking one month from South-East corner of Spain from Malaga here to center of Spain. Probably I have gone so far that I have changed also the climate area. During first days in Andalucia I began to sweat after only having opened the door out. Here the last four mornings have been so cold that I can see my breath in the beam of my headlamp. Far have I gone, for sure. Today's stage to Zamora was quite easy. At the moment everything seems to be OK with my physical condition. Repeating two days in a row more than thirty kilometers seems not to cause problems. In the half way before Zamora there was a little village with a bar - a good spot for a break, coffee and a snack. Zamora is much smaller town but as well as Salamanca rich with its history. When a hiker approaches the town a massive and obviously well-preserved castle say welcome to the incomer. Old bridges over the broad river and you are in the town. A municipal, well-provided alberga is in front a hiker just after having crossed the river. The atmosphere is totally different for me than in Salamanca. The city is preparing itself to Saturday night, of course. Streets are decorated with coloured flags and stripes and restaurant tables are step by step increasing their fun-loving customers on Saturday evening.
Arkeologian opiskelijat olivat järjestäneet kaupunkilaisille mielenkiintoisen ja mukavan work-shopin albergan viereiselle Plazalle. Esillä oli roomalaisia kampauksia, vanhaa jousiammuntaa, lapset saivat etsiä "muinaisesineitä" hiekkakaivauksellaan, ruokaa tehtiin vanhaan tapaan ja rautaakin yritettiin valmistaa ahjossa muinaiseen tapaan. Tapahtuma oli suosittu. Lapsiperheitä tapahtumassa näkyi paljon.
Students of archeology had organized an interesting and nice work-shop for Zamora citicens on the Plaza just by the alberga. Roman hairdressing was demonstrated, old arch shooting, children had a chance to do their excavations in the sand, food was prepared according to old way and also iron was made in an old blacksmiths hot fire. That work-shop seemed to be very popular. Families with children participated a lot. Good job, students! I raise my hat high for You!
Eva sai varustautua lauantai-iltaan roomalaisella kampauksella kaunistautuneena. - Eva began her Saturday-evening with a Roman hairdressing. Beautiful, isn't it. |
Vanha, luusta tehty neula. - An old needle made of bone. |
Tässä demonstroidaan raudan tekemistä. - This is a demonstration how iron was made in the old times. |
Pyhiinvaellusreiteillä vaeltaja kohtaa keltaisten nuolien ja simpukkasymbolien lisäksi monenlaisia muitakin reittimerkintöjä. Kokeneet vaeltajat tietävät, että Euroopan kattaa hyvin tiheä ja monipuolinen merkittyjen vaellusreittien verkosto. Verkosto on ranskalaisen lähteensä mukaan nimetty GR-verkostoksi (GR = Grande Randonnee) ja jokainen yksittäinen reitti on saanut oman numeronsa. Kulkija tuntee reitin sen leveästä, valkoisen ja punaisen vaakaviivan tunnuksestaan. Usein nämä reitit ja Espanjan pyhiinvaellusreitit kulkevat samoja polkuja pitkin. Reitteihin on helppo tutustua ja hakea itselleen mieleisen internetistä tunnuksella GR ja numero.
Itseäni on jonkin aikaa kiinnostanut Euroopan rankimmaksi vaellusreitiksi sanottu GR 20. Se on pituudeltaan 180 kilometria ja se kulkee Korsikan saaren halki pohjoisesta etelään. Matkaan kehotetaan varaamaan 15 päivää - päivämatkat ovat alta kymmenen ja toistakymmentä kilometriä päivässä. Matkat eivät ole pitkiä mutta korkeuserot ovat isoja. Vuorikiipeilyä tämä ei ole mutta vähän sinne päin. Majoituksia varten välillä on vuoristomajoja. Tämä saattaisi olla tulevien kesien kohde, kunhan täältä selvitään. Miten on, Jarkko, sinä pakanavaelluksen inspiraattori ja kovakuntoinen ystäväni. Lähdetäänkö toukokuun lopulla Korsikkaan uusia mantereita valloittamaan? Halpislento Nizzaan, siitä reittilautalla Korsikan Calviin ja ollaan jo melkein lähtöpaikalla. Tähän GR 20-reittiin voi tutustua englanninkielisellä nettisivulla
On these Spanish pilgrimage routes a hiker sees also other kinds of signalling than yellow arrows and shell symbols. Experienced hikers know that Europe is for the most covered with a dense and excellent net of signalled hiking routes. That Network carries name GR = Grande Randonnee and all individual routes have got their own number. A hiker knows those routes with its label of white-red horisontal lines. Very often these routes follow the same paths than pilgrimage routes. It is very easy to get oneself aquainted to these routes by internet using GR and the number.
For a while I have been interested in GR20, the route that has been mentioned as one of the hardest hiking routes in Europe. The route in in Corsica, penetrates Corsica from North to South and has about 180 kilometers to go. For the whole route a hiker is supposed to have at least 15 days. Daily legs are not long (more and less ten km / day) but changes of the altitude are hard. For accomodation there are mountain cabins to rest and sleep in between. How is it, Jarkko, my friend and tuff inspirator of our paganpilgrimage accompanion? Shall we go to Corsica next May to conquer new challenges? Cheap flights to Nice, from there by a ferry to Calvi, Corsica and we are almost in the start point? There is a chance to have more information of GR20 on website
GR 100 ja Camino Via de la Plata kulkivat Salamancan eteläpuolella pitkään samoja polkuja. - GR 100 and Camino via de la Plata followed for a long time same paths on areas South from Salamanca. |
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