Portomarin on mielenkiintoinen kaupunki. Kaupunkiin tulijaa tervehtii suuri silta ja sen alla oleva valtava jokiuoma. Kuusikymmentäluvulla kaupungille tehtiin sama kuin Lapin Lokan kylälle. Suuri osa siitä upotettiin valtavan tekojärven alle. Osa kaupungista ja varsinkin sen historiallista osaa siirrettiin rantapenkereellä korkeammalle, näistä merkittävin on tietysti kaupungin vanha katedraali.
06.10.-07.10.16 Sarria - Portomarin - Palas del Rey. These two days I have been hiking with my two friends from Finland - total etapa is aboit 40 kilometers. Mornings are cold and foggy. On pilgrimage course you meet a lot of other pilgrims completing the obligatory 100 kilometers for compostella. In cafes and albergas you can hear the number of pilgrims being decreased compared to the previous year. The continuous growth of pilgrims has increased the number of optimistic owners of bars and private albergas. Decreasing of customers is a bad sign for them, of course.
The route is as used. Uphills and downhills on a very well signalled route. Until the sunrise pilgrims walk in a fog. After the sunrise you may put much of your cloths is your backpack and go on walking doing sunbath at the same time in a temperature of about +25 degrees Celsius.
Portomarin is a very interesting town. In arrival to the town the hiker meets a huge bridge and a very wide riverbed below it. Diuring the 60'ies this town was sunked under a very wide water reaservoir. Part of the town and some historical parts of it were transferred higher on the riverbank, the most important of these was the old catethdral., of course.
Matkalla Palas del Rey´hin kohtaamme entisiä tuttujamme. Ranskalainen perhe, äiti Marie-Sophie, isä Cyril ja kuusikuukautinen Laetitia jatkavat pyhiinvaellustaan edelleen hyväntuulisina ja hyvinvoivina. Tälle perheelle tämä matka on mukavaa lomaa ja yhdessäoloa eikä mitään vaikeita ongelmia ole tullut vastaan. Portomarinissa he halusivat ostaa Laetitialle vaippoja mutta supermarketin valikoimissa oli vain jättipaketteja. Niiden kuljettaminen näissä olosuhteissa on vaikeata. Onneksi helpompikin ratkaisu löytyi.
On the route to Palas del Rey we met again some of our friends. The French family, mother Marie-Sophie, father Cyril and Laetitia-baby are going on their pilgrimage feeling still feeling well and happy. For this family this trip has been a nice holiday and togetherness. No major problems have occurred. In Portomarin they wanted to buy dipers for Laetitia in the supermarket but only those gigantic packages were available. To transport packages like these seemed to be quite impossible. Luckily the convinient solution was found and Laetitia could have her dipers.
This world is small - Finns or people with Finnish background can be met everywhere. Anna and David are siblings living in Canberra Australia. They have started their camino in Leon and they are continuing all their 350 kilometers to Santiago de Compostela. But this is not the point to me when I met them . The point is that their grandparents were born in Finland, in Lappeenranta and Suonenjoki and they both speak and understand pretty well Finnish, my language. For me it was really nice to meet here in a little Spanish town a young woman and a young man with a very positive attitude to their roots in Finland. For them Finland really exists. After completing this camino they go on their journey to Finland to meet their relatives.
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